Wednesday, February 10, 2010


So, I was playing Scrabble today with my mom. Look at that *lovely* hand I have there. Mom & I were both cracking up. The next turn's hand was not much better. (in between the two, I spelled "tea" off of my mom's t)

(and, Sandy, sadly that's not Fanta. Just Sunkist. still good though. Hey, did you know that Sunkist is underlined in red, but not Fanta? =P)

There were other things that made me laugh... pretty hysterically, actually... oh, don't you just LOVE the internet (and email, of course... HAHAHA, Christine!)
...but I can't post those here =P



Anglican Mama said...

Hi Kathryne, my name is Jen--I found your blog because we have "C.S. Lewis" (among other things!) in common. :) I enjoyed stopping by--your Optimism Initiative worked; you brightened my day!
Haha, I love Scrabble...have you played the Scrabble Slam card game? Our family is a tad addicted, it's loads of fun.

Katie said...

Hi Jen!
I do love C.S. Lewis =) ...Till We Have Faces is one of my favorite books of all time.
And that makes me happy to hear! =)
Scrabble is so very fun. I've never played the Scrabble Slam card game, but Speed Scrabble is one of my family's favorites. Have you ever played it?