Saturday, February 27, 2010


E-F-F-E-R-V-E-S-C-E-N-C-E ... what's that spell?

(just kidding... although that seemed to be the general consensus)

Actually, it's more like...  

effervescent young people
informal bright-eyed and bushy-tailedpeppybouncyupbeatchirpyfull of beans.
ANTONYMS depressed.

(so... Andee, pretty much)

And last night I was feeling incredibly effervescent after Isaiah 61 (even though they forgot about my solo). We went to swing, I retrieved Oscar from Dan-the-hamster-napper, and Blake spelled effervescent correctly, first try! Didn't dance much, but then again not many people did... And I skipped around, quite a bit. And I did a backbend (with help, lots of it)!

Then. Something quite tragic occurred.

I... went to Christine's house.


We ate like two dozen biscotti(s?). We watched Phantom of the Opera. Again. We fed puppies (!!!!!!!). Then we "went to bed." (read: talked for two hours --and before you ask why I'm talking about yesterday, I'm not, this was this morning). Then we did get 6 hours of sleep. Then my mom & sister came and we played with the puppies =)

Smiliest things have to have been...
Blake's spelling triumph
plotting to have week-long sleepovers and stay out late-late at swing and go shopping and learn Russian *nod*
eating PASTA =P


PS- ebullient and scintillating are two other favoritest words of mine.
PPS- I don't generally use these words; I just woke up in the early AM yesterday and that word was in my head. It's happened before, most notably with supercilious and vicissitude.
PPPS- this made me laugh ~


Sarah said...

Wow... just wow..... who's Oscar and Dan-the-whatever-you-said-he-was?

Week long sleepovers would be amazing..........I think we'd have to live on chocolate and caffeine in order to survive through the last half though :)

Andee said...

LOLOLOLOL!!! yeah, that def sounds like me. yay! i have a new word. haha

whats the pic at the end? i cant see it... :(

Anonymous said...

Ehemmmm... That definition of effervescent is copyrighted by Olivia Lanman.. but I guess you could steal it!