Friday, February 5, 2010

An Analysis of People

So, today I went college shopping. It was very fun. I got to sit in on a freshman-level English class of about 20 students. Actually, exactly 20 students; I counted. So we're going to test my observational skills and see what I remember.

The girl on my left is another Kath(erine)-called-Katie. She seems like your typical studious, 4.0, secretary-in-the-SGA student. She has on a plain white shell and a dark, coral pink cardigan. She has thick, straight brown hair (pulled half-back in a braid) and single pearl earrings. Dark jeans. And boots. She has perfect handwriting. She actually talks to me. She has a brother and a sister who are juniors, like me!

The girl on my right is the one everybody knows. She walks in, and you can tell by her voice that she always gets her way. When she comes in, she immediately pulls her keypad-ed phone (and a Pink University notebook from Victoria's nothing-much-is-Secret) out of her Vera Wang bag. She's the one who got up early before her 8:30 class to fix her makeup to perfection. She is wearing boots, too. She's named Victoria (which is what we always used to name the snobby Polly Pockets when we were younger), and has looooonnnnnggg, perfect hair. It's dark and curly and very shiny, but she obviously slept on it when it was damp... the curls are a little squished. She plays with one ringlet that survived the night, and she does so for the entire class.

The girl to my back right is the one who is an overachiever in every sense. She's wearing sweats and a white t-shirt with some sort of logo. Tennis shoes. Hair in an I-was-just-working-out-for-the-last-hour ponytail. She takes notes, but doesn't overly participate.

One girl way in the front reminded me a bit of myself in middle school. Enthusiastic; petite; hair in a messy bun; overly participatory. She has on a pink North Face jacket (everyone seems to wear North Face), and very stiff-looking jeans that are a little short. Her hiking boots don't entirely cover her blue socks with the sparkly Star of David embroidery all over.

There's a guy way to my left who totally does not want to be here. He is the one saying, "Is it cold outside today? I didn't notice. And I'm only here because I have nothing better to do... that's why I'm in my pajama t-shirt. Can I leave now?" ...except that he doesn't say anything the whole time, or take notes. He just slouches in the chair and glares at the space in front of him.

Shoe count (female students only):
  1. tennis shoes ~ 7 pairs
  2. flats ~ 4 pairs
  3. heels ~ 1 pair
  4. boots ~ about 200 pairs
^^ I would put myself in the "flats-but-wishes-she-has-winter-boots" category.

Overall, it was a very good day. Cold. But good.

this song makes me smile =)


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