Thursday, March 4, 2010

Chemistry! (?)

I get it!! I get it!! Finally!!!

it was funny today, because my teacher (who worked in a hospital before) was talking about how sugar and oxygen turn to energy and "pee"... for a really, really long time. And we are all sitting there trying not to burst out laughing, playing with Oscar to keep our minds off of everything... but then we finally stopped discussing bodily functions and got to do the homework and I got it!!

My teacher calls them "stoky-metric conversions," I just call them "math."

Also, we have decided to call "moles" -- "razzmatazzle-dazzles" from now on.


Today is National Grammar Day!!!!

So in Brit Lit we wrote poems about punctuation. We had to pretend to be a punctuation mark.

Here's another (separate) poem I wrote in honor of National Grammar Day:

I understand you really meant what you had to say.
I understand you think your sentence ends better that way.
But all that I can tell is this-- NOT A THING, that's what!
When ev'ry line is ended twice it's never truly shut.
Double periods- that's the problem; morning, noon, and night.
It's not attractive, isn't cool, and truly isn't right.
Did you accident'lly push the keyboard button twice?
Or is it just a part-elipsis, seriously spliced?
It is so indecisive, really. Please make up your mind!
Correct is one, or three, or none: not two of a kind.
I'm begging truly, really, very- fix it, fix it now!
There is no reason to use two; 'tis therefore not allowed.


1 comment:

Sarah said...

No way! Writers Group was yesterday! That is so neat!!!!! I love your poem!