So here are few things that made me laugh today (or, in the case of Sir Swing Mouse, last night)... lots of pictures etc for all you visual people =)
1) The Broken Chair (which, yes, broke AS someone was sitting in it) ... this is from a while back, I just found the picture

2) Cleaning my room-- after 3 weeks, almost finished!-- I found this...
(credit goes to executive CYMA videographer, Daniel the maniac-pianist)
3) This article, which references NEWSIES, an awesome movie and my personal guilty pleasure (oh, come on, you know you love it).
And yes, I am aware that it won the "Worst Original Song" award (High Times, Hard Times) and was nominated for the "Worst Director" (Kenny Ortega- same as High School Musical =P), "Worst Picture," Worst Supporting Actor," AND "Worst Supporting Actress." lol.
4) Sir Swing the Mouse, who we found at ...uh... swing, last night, before people got there. Also, Kristina's reaction when I asked her if she'd heard about the mouse later on =P
the thing was huge!
5) This song, which I think is just so cute but my mother absolutely despises... well, she doesn't like ANY of her music. Sad =(
Oscar Wilde Quote of the Day:
"The love that he bore him--for it was really love--had nothing in it that was not noble and intellectual. It was not that mere physical admiration of beauty that is born of the senses, and that dies when the senses tire."
I love Regina Spektor! My favorites are her songs The Call, and.... Music Box. Did you ever find Mr Swing the Mouse again???????
I <3 The Call!
Nope...he is still at large. =)
They saw him at Sunday School this morning! They took mouse traps up... poor Sir Swing =(
And I KNOW! The Call is the greatest =)
yeah, I read Livi's post...
wow. just randomly clicked january and found this. Ill try to make sense of that. The Call as in The Call in DC? the prayer/crying out to God type event?
No, actually, I've never heard of that... we were talking about the Regina Spektor song *sheepish grin*'s the one (school-)Megan and I did while (school-)Rachel danced. The video is on Facebook ...but, I will warn you, the piano sounds like a dying turtle.
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