Saturday, January 16, 2010

I WAS going to wait, but...

I'm too happy NOT to post!

Here's how it is:


seriously though, I didn't know if I was going to stick with it for this long. But here I am!
goal for 2010: have 375 posts (total) by 2011.

So, I would encourage all of the other Optimism Initiative participants (sounds so high-flown, right?) to stick with it.
Don't let it be a "fad" thing, because I don't know about you, but fads have never been my thing. I've had this blog since July, and only in the past 3 days 4 more people now have their very own Initiative. Take that Initiative. Run with it. Take chances, and do the hard stuff. Find something to smile about even when all you want to do is bury your head in your pillow and hibernate 'til you're 30.

The other thing that's making me happy (besides the awesome time with Christine) is that I have my Africa presentation at youth group tonight!! I am sooo, so very psyched and stoked and all bundled up into a big ball of HAPPY!
and my name is in the bulletin!!! how cool is that?!?

The other other thing that is making me smile, is just love.
Today I've felt so loved.
and appreciated.
and respected.
and it's awesome.
Some days you feel like nobody likes you, blah, blah, but then the smallest kindness can kick you right back to Ground Happy.

people are great =)
...mostly =P



Erin said...

YAY!!!! One hundred posts. . . I can hardly believe it!

Katie said...

...and you read ALL of them!
congrats =P

Christine said...

Yay Katie!
I love you!


ps-why can't i comment on my own site? =(

Katie said...

nobody can comment on your site; it's broken =/