Monday, August 1, 2011


I forgot one of the biggest little things that made me smile yesterday:
I am washing my hands in the bathroom at church, and two little girls come in with their mom to use the bathroom. As she tries to herd them into stalls before the service starts, they insist on staring at me. I love the kids at church, and thinking they are Bible Force-ers, I smile and wave at them in the mirror. The mom says to them, "Okay girls, you have to go potty now. You can stare at the pretty singing lady later." And I say, "Oh, are they in Bible Force? I've been in there for three years now, but I don't recognize them."She replies, "No, they are almost old enough for that. They just know you from adult church. You are like a rockstar, and they like your hair."
The girl still staring immediately turns bright red and slams the stall door.
:P In such times I do like kids. haha.

As for today... I get to turn off the computer, read a book, and go to bed early. How awesome.


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