Wednesday, August 24, 2011

crazy Wednesday

I have lots of classes on Wednesdays.
I think they will become my insane days...
8:30-9:20 International Relations
9:35-10:25 Physics (in Art & Archaeology)
10:40-11:30 Swimming (yeah, I know)
11:45-12:35 Statistics
1:55-2:45 Russian
6:45-8:30 Chorale
8-11 Swing (okay, so I'll miss some of it... priorities, right? like a class with credit?)

It looks less crazy then it feels, I guess. But today I had to get books from the bookstore (semi-off-campus) AND wait for my football tickets (FOR.EV.ER.)
I also am bemoaning my lack of practical footwear. My flats give me blisters on the backs of my heels and my right pinky toe. It even tears off band-aids. My flip-flops give me blisters on the inside of my big toe. My ugly heavy duty flip flops give me blisters on top outside of my feet. Walking barefoot on 95-degree concrete and asphalt gives me blisters on the soles of my feet. It's really lose-lose-lose-lose. And I tried everything so I do have blisters everywhere. haha.
This campus is bigger than it seems, and I have to walk all over it on Mondays and Wednesdays (especially Wednesdays).

Today I had a total I <3 COLLEGE moment when, after waiting for football tickets, a group of girls from my dorm went to dinner and spent an hour discussing the difference between Theology and Philosophy, presuppositions, and poetry. It was so beautiful.

Also, I discovered that my English-major/swing buddy also shares my taste in music (go Spektrites!), books (Madeleine L'Engle and C.S. Lewis, anyone?), and sunsets. :)


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