Thursday, August 4, 2011


Overslept 80 minutes. There goes any hope of

  • doing devotions
  • washing my hair
  • eating breakfast not-in-a-moving-vehicle
  • looking human
Of course, one of the kids today (Ethan, age 6) informed me that I look very much human... at least, I look like a boy today. Thanks Ethan. Please don't ever call me "Daddy" again.

Then I got to see my Megan (which always makes me smile). And then I did recording with Page. After Megan left, we had a text conversation which looked like:
K: After spending like 40 minutes on Amazing Grace, we are onto BtL and all is well. You left your tumbler here, bt.
M: Okay so I left my cup at NCPC so if you see it, you can just leave it. My dad is going over there tomorrow and he will get it :) thanks
M: Oh my gosh I swear I didn't see your message when I sent that. Our telepathy is kicking back in :P
K: lol
M: Ok that was just creepy on so many levels...
K: I am literally giggling, and that is bad because Page is recording a serious song.

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