Sunday, August 21, 2011

Frosh-O part 2


Domerfest is like the NCCS Winter Formal, but with 25 times the number of people in about 5 times the amount of space. And probably like 50 times the noise, but that's beside the point. But don't worry, we got to wear shorts and t-shirts.

Yesterday I was feeling slightly depressed, like, where are all the people to be my friendsssssss... :(... but today I am slowly starting to remember names and figure out who people are and what they are like. Today I met a girl named Charlene who is also non-denominational Protestant and into personality profiling.
Also, I think I asked for a guy's number tonight without realizing what implications that seems to have in this SUPERINTENSELYCHARGEDGENDERRELATIONS campus. Oops. :P

Also, right now I have an entire guys' dorm chanting outside my window "Fisher loves Lyons!" ...with a trumpet accompaniment. It is almost 2am.

This is Frosh-O. :)


PS- also found a good use for those random glow sticks with no connector pieces! (that was done without looking, btw. I feel pretty proud of myself :) )

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