Sunday, November 28, 2010


I did not write a single essay today. NOPE. Not one. zilch.

That makes me so happy, you have no idea.

Also, Advent in the Baptist church is way cool... they actually, like, explain each of the candles as they light them and do Scripture reading and stuff.
Oh, and this is for Daniel... they did a good bit of jazz improvising during offering. I caught some chords that were definitely not your worship-music-C-and-Dm-with-an-Am7-thrown-in-there-once-in-a-while. It's a small church, but they had a saxophone AND trombone, and it was cool.

I Learned...
"Pepperoncini" is not a kind of small pepperoni that you can pick out of a salad. It's a variety of spicy yellow pepper that contaminates your salad.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cewl. i love the sound of trombones!