The Good: skipped school and got a bunch of college work (and the work I would have missed in today's half day!) done. AND now I am sitting in Barnes & Noble with a yummy Gingerbread latte and funny music playing over the speakers.
The Bad: I hate when you run into someone in a public place... someone who, say, you knew in elementary/middle school and are friends with/regularly stalk on Facebook... but you haven't seen them in person for so long that
a) you aren't sure it's really them,
b) it would be awkward to talk to them, and/or
c) you have no idea what you would say were you to talk to them.
So you say nothing and stand there and try not to look at them or let them see you. This has happened to me several times recently, and it's just weird.
The Random: created my first ever instructional
video for the harmony to Be Unto Your Name! awesome fun. Feel no need to watch it, seriously, unless you happen to be in a choir doing the same arrangement.
Also, it makes me laugh when stores advertise not only their store hours but also their website hours :P
more pictures from last weekend! out of all, I like this one.