Sunday, May 1, 2011


I woke up this morning and my hair looked better after sleeping on it than it did yesterday. That made me happy.

Then the Girls' Ensemble sang for the Lutheran church in which our school is housed. We sounded like 50x better than we did in practice, which is always good.
I haven't decided yet whether I like the liturgy. It definitely makes the sermon more formal, but that is so not what I am used to.

Then we went to lunch, which was lots of fun. Almost went to Qudoba until we found out Kirsten's family would be there... so we went to a local pizzeria and unexpectedly ran into Hannah's family. Really?! there are 6 of us, and lots of restaurants in the area. Kind of funny, actually.
Oh, and Megan? Your guilty face is really amusing. I'm still trying to decide if I should forgive you for that one comment... :P
Then we went outside and waited for people's parents. I, in my t-shirt and skirt, was apparently "shaking like mad" (direct quote... I didn't realize it myself, haha), so Doug lent me his coat. The sleeves came to approximately 2 inches past my fingertips, and the hem was well below my knees. I felt like a little girl playing dress up, but I was very warm, and it was apparently a "cute" (another direct quote, but I would imagine it just means "comical") sight.

Then I went home and studied for AP Calc to a mix tape by Sir Douglas himself. It was pretty epic, actually.

Then I got tired and decided to further immerse myself in popular culture, reading the second Harry Potter book at a solid 2.6 pages per minute. Not bad. It only took me 2.25 hours to finish. Those books have a lot of plot. All character development is derived from the plot. All meaning is derived from the plot. I would place Rowling opposite Victor Hugo for her writing style. Not better, but more suited to a short attention span. Along the food analogy, I would say these books are like slices of watermelon. Not unhealthy or bad tasting, but very quick and very light and with lots of sticky, sweet, watery juices.

Then I had dinner, talked with my parents about still needing to get a job for the summer, became momentarily distraught, distracted myself with more calculus, was summarily comforted, felt kind of sick about said comfort, was actually comforted by talking more with my parents, and here I am.


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