Monday, May 2, 2011

GPAs and such

I got my cast off today!

And I turned in my Literature project!

And I was approached by exactly 4 people who had heard that I'd read the first two Harry Potter books, incredulous that I had liked them. Maddie practically had tears in her eyes. I thought it was great fun.

Doug practically ran into me, when this morning he shoved some Indiana Jones movie into my hands. Apparently I have officially stepped into pop culture. It's a fascinating place. The exchange went something like,
Katie: What?!
Dalvin: What was that?
Doug (to Dalvin): She's never seen them before!
Dalvin: Not any of them?!
Katie: Nope.
Doug (to Dalvin): See?! No wonder she's the way she is!


My grandparents are here. I was talking to my Nana about college, and she said,
"Two physical education classes?! There goes your grade point average!!"


I am in a good mood today.


1 comment:

Jason Van Bemmel said...

"No wonder she's the way she is!" - I like the way you are!