Wednesday, April 6, 2011

various things

I was looking through old photos, looking for things to put in my scrapbook/photo album, for college, and may I just say... 
I want my hair to look like that every day. of course, at this point that is unlikely because it is about 10 inches shorter and just all-around less. sigh. (I am not going to bother saying that I am the one in the purple paisley dress with really insane hair on the far right... because you knew that already.)

Also, Megan's story about work yesterday... PAHAHAHAHA. I won't repeat it, but it made me laugh.

Also, I decided that I Really Want Christine To Come Home Right Now.

Also, I am officially 77.9% of the way through my thesis! Holla! ...just kidding. really, really, really kidding.

Also, I ordered Democracy in America to read in Europe. An analysis of the American by a Frenchman... I think it's an appropriate, don't you? (also, I need to find page numbers for about a page's worth of quotes I used in my thesis without ever actually reading the thing.)


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