Thursday, April 7, 2011

grace upon grace... and YAYs


Important update.

My parents pulled me away from my (very dedicated) thesis-writing to talk. They said they had a big surprise and a little surprise.

The little surprise was an early graduation gift from them... PURPLE luggage! and I can use it in Europe! :D (I kind of saw that one coming because of certain comments from my mom I overheard, but that is beside the point... :P)

And the big surprise is too big to put on a blog. Way too big. Way too wonderful. I am pretty much overwhelmed, and my thesis is suffering because of it. So, my dear future-readers-slash-editors-of-thesis, if around page 32 things start to go something like seoviuthawericuafncwieiclakercaliulaclw!!!EEEEP!!!!!!avelawiefunraoiu, you will know why. Or perhaps not, depending on whether or not I ever feel like telling you. :D

but anyway, yay purple luggage, and yay family, and just... yay.


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