Tuesday, March 22, 2011

the epic continues...

if Sunday was epic, and yesterday was epic fail, today was like epic mood swing.

It began quite poorly (see: 1st period math.)
Then it got slightly better (see: Latin test postponed to Thursday!)
Then it got like EPIC BETTER (see: writing thesis, in a porch chair, outside, in my happy skirt.)
Then it got like EVEN BETTER (see: I <3 small group)

and now I am tired but happy.

and tomorrow and Thursday I am taking Lent a bit further. just to test. I will be on an unimportant-email fast. That is, any email that:
  • is not work, school, or college
  • does not have the word URGENT in the subject line
  • is not from Christine
will not be opened, read, or responded to. No matter HOW BADLY I want to. I spend too much of my life, I think, looking forward to discussion with people, especially via email. I don't spend much time actually engaging in it; I just wish for it.
(read: Christine, get thyself some internet!!!!)

This also applies to chat.

Goals and structure make me happy. :D


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