Sunday, March 27, 2011

20 Second Praise Choir

I had a college admissions event at 12:30, so I went to the early service today.
and I am SO GLAD I did. If only for the reason I got to be there for
-20 Second Praise Choir
-Nathan's song
-Secret Ambition mime
-AND Bible Force

...and the Praise Choir at the early service is fabulous. Because there were only about 20 of us, as opposed to the about-a-hundred at the second service, and most of the 20 were singing in true 4-part harmony. I was standing in the middle of a real choir, which I haven't really ever done before. It was crazy. And we only had the normal 20 seconds to get up front and get our music and start singing. :D

And I drove home from the college thing, and went on the beltway for the first time, and almost died but didn't. YAY.

I also went shopping with my mom and neighbor-Megan, which was a lot of fun. We made my mom all red in the face teasing her about funny dresses and shoes we found at TJ Maxx.


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