Saturday, May 1, 2010

oh, the things we do when we get bored...

And by "we" I mean me and my other schizophrenic self/ves.

Today we got bored of cleaning our room, so we recorded a song we're going with our chorus. Today, we did it without the rest of them, all by ourselves! 'Twas fun!!

...then we got this creepy message from some random guy:

A few problems:
a) his account name does not match the name he signed.
b) my video had zero views at the time I received this message
c) LOVE YOU?! seriously??
d) what does that part after the first ellipsis even mean? "it really really keep watching it" ...ooookay?
e) *gaaaaaahhhh* double periods!?!?!

we think we shall either block him or mark him as spam... what think you all?



Andee said...

ahaha!! love it!! you should see a video i did when i had one of my friends over... imagine me(hyper), a video camera, and romeo and juliet. lol!/video/video.php?v=1352051082409
(the audio and video are a little off, but idk how to fix it...)

Christine said...

!!! Love the video!! thats awesome.