Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Latin Class (again)

So, Wednesdays are ICK. I've said that before.

We have:
Math (80 min)
Break (10 min)
History (80 min)
Student Gov't/Lunch (30 min)
Chem Lab (90 min)
Break (10 min)
Latin (80 min)

...needless to say, by the time we get to Latin, we are all tired, loopy, and slap-happy.
Out of that come things like (not in order) :
"Cicero says that teachers sit on their students who have drinking problems and red-yellow eyes!"
"A red-yellow is an orange, DOOFUS!"
"I don't see why I have to suffer for Katie's incompetence!"
-Rachel (?)

...and, of course, Megan's drinking problem... *coughcough*alloverhershirt*coughcough*

AND! We got to have a meeting for our Upper School girls' ensemble DURING Student Gov't!!!

AND!!! I get to go to bed now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First time I've been to bed before midnight in over a week :D


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