Monday, April 5, 2010

Junior Thesis Day!

Andee emailed me this awesome new layout; that made me smile.
(the pride part of me wanted to be able to say "I coded my own layout!" but I have to say I think this one is much cooler than my old one)

Talking and walking with Christine this afternoon was fun; that made me smile.

Also, even though I only wrote about 2 and a half paragraphs between 11 AM and 5 PM, I managed to get my act together and get by lazy butt off of G-Chat and write 2.25 pages in an hour and 15 minutes! :)

woohoo... I'm beginning to get tired of writing this. Is that normal?


1 comment:

Colin said...

no katie, it is totally abnormal to get sick and tired of writing a 15 page paper. LOL!