Saturday, April 3, 2010

home and other impulses

I am home! I am typing this on my own computer! And I'm not even remote-posting from email, because it turns out that Lent ended Thursday! who knew?



impulse buys. I bought myself blue mascara from the Dollar Tree just for the fun. And then A Fine Frenzy's CD "One Cell in the Sea." AWESOME! And $6 off of iTunes!

the rigmarole. 'tis pretty much complete. After I know for sure Livi doesn't want an epilogue, I shall upload to Google Docs for y'all.

Mrs Courtney. She's going back to CoZV!!!! that's so HAPPY!

new blog. (don't yell at me; I know I do too much blogging already)
follow, puzhalsta y spasiba! because I won't update as regularly as this.


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