Friday, August 6, 2010

Awkwardness + WO-AH-AH-OH

Sooo, yeah.

16/(can't drive) + (professional world)(happy hour) = supreme(awkward)

But this bar at which the happy hour was held (the same one that I had to attend for 2.5 hours while attempting to camouflage with the wallpaper-- even though there was no wallpaper) was Irish. So they played cool music. I thought about asking for the playlist... but nonexistent wallpaper does not ask for playlists, does it?
I think I held up pretty well. But even when professional people do not get drunk, they do drink at happy hours. And alcohol + people = LOUD.
...but I can't deny that seeing my English teacher and hearing her compliment me to her mom was nice :)

Talk about your sensory overload.

Aaaaanyways. CHECK IT OUT!! it is finally up!!! yayyy for Facebook and... hey... social media connections with brands/companies/artists and fans! (seriously, if you were at Rock, and even if you weren't, click that link for a bit of nostalgia).

...never mind. I'll just post it. I'm too happy to not.



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