Tuesday, January 18, 2011


"So, Daniel, how's school going?"
"Oh, it's great. I start in about a week."
(truer words rarely spoken)

I need to get more motivated. Truly, I do.

However, today the distraction is one for which I can forgive myself. I was not on Facebook or email or anything at all all afternoon/evening, which is unusual for me. It was people. Which was lovely. Playing games and eating food and talking... then small group... then Big Boss, Little Boss with Kristen & David & Daniel. I won! surprisingly.

However, I suppose that if I am going to allow myself good distractions I must cut out the bad ones entirely, since they can no longer claim to exist for their mere value of being distracting. You know? Like, sometimes you need a distraction, so you take anything, even something totally addictive and time-wasting like sitting around on the computer. But then when a GOOD distraction comes up, like doing things with people you actually care about and can see and hear and feel, you feel like you've already spent your distraction-budget and now need to go about filling your work quota.

Now I need to go clean my room and read another chapter of Catcher in the Rye (aka the-only-book-I've-ever-read-more-crude-than-Native-Son-ICCCCKKKKKK) before bedtime.



PS- if you're wondering, it was a snow day

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