I started this
last July... third Wednesday in July, yes :)
It's a good time. I wear a 7.5 or 8, so yesterday was going to be awesome.
I started out the day waking up at 8. It felt good. Any time 8-9 is the perfect time to wake up in the summer.
Then Mark came over with footage & stills for the Sunday School volunteer recruitment video. That was not something I would have bothered with when I was 8.
Then I decided to get serious. I took my book, my water bottle, and my two Oreo cookies in a bag up to my reading tree. It is the reading tree because it has good spots for sitting and reading and eating Oreos. It has been my favorite tree since I moved here almost 13 years ago.
After about 5 minutes, I realized that there were ants crawling all over me. Another 5 minutes in, I realized that there were lots of other, more vicious bugs crawling all over me. Not long after that, I realized why I always had so many bug bites when I was 8.
So I did what any self-respecting third-grader would do and ran into the house where there was air conditioning and no bugs.
THEN I did a bunch of 16-year-old-stuff like Facebook and email and video editing and book club.
Then I read. Like, a lot. That's about all I did when I was that age. Reading, reading, reading, all the time, even while eating. Speaking of eating, I went to the grocery store with my mom like I used to, and then got Rita's like I always have when I have a sore throat...
Speaking of which, I was sick yesterday, so I also did stuff I did when I was 8 and sick, like complaining.
Then I went to bed at 9, which I actually think is 30 minutes past what my bedtime used to be. My bedtime was 9 when I was 12, let alone 7.5.
the end.