Saturday, July 31, 2010

just good.

today was just good. peaceful.

Smile: pretty much finished BFVRV, except for a message at the end I still need to come up with.
and my mom made me a peach milkshake. it was reallyreally good.



Friday, July 30, 2010

random things

Conversation I had~
Mom: what would you like for dinner tonight?
Katie: oh, I'll eat anything... preferably laced with antihistamines.
Mom: ???

20 mosquito bites.

happy: 20 is the perfect-est number, even for little itchy red things
unhappy: ...

I am well on my way to finishing the Bible Force Volunteer Recruitment Video (hereafter known as BFVRV)! yay!



Thursday, July 29, 2010


was cool.

I am FOREVER finished with cell phone accessory product descriptions! YAY!

my Daddy stopped in to visit me at work today :) he brought me an iced caramel macchiato from Starbucks :) it was so great to see him, and a total surprise.

ALSO: I forgot yesterday, but... it was the 1-year anniversary of the first time I ever talked to Christine!!!! So crazy. Today is the 1-year anniversary of... other things :P


Wednesday, July 28, 2010


there was
waking up to the smell of apple french toast [!!!!!!!!!!]
being a lunatic [!!!!!!!!!!!]
walking around the bay [!!!!!!!!!!]
walking to Rita's [!!!!!!!!!]
in full Civil War regalia with Christine & Erin & Jennifer [!!!!!!!!!!!!]
Alice in Wonderland [!!!!!!!!!]
the creek [!!!!!!!!!]
driving to nowhere [!!!!!!!!!]

the coral is taking over my mind, although 'tis still predominantly purple.

...and, at the moment, sleepy, and I have to leave for work at 7 in the morning.



QSG etc


I am here with CHRISTINE!

We have done many fun things this evening.

Like making devious plans for tomorrow, which may or may not involve going to Rita's in 1860s clothing complete with hoop skirts.

Or, like making surprising observations about tomorrow, which may or may not involve the fact that it will be the 1 year anniversary of the first time we ever actually talked to each other.

Or, like making other interesting things, which may or may not involve yet another blog and/or a certain doofus.

Or, like making silly reading errors, which may or may not involve thinking a friend said "the chances of us breaking up get higher when we're dating."

Or, like making even more nefarious plans, which may or may not involve guilt-tripping a certain owner of a certain beloved car who may want to sell said certain beloved car... into not selling said certain beloved car.


Kathryne & Christine

Monday, July 26, 2010


I am... rapturous! And buoyant and blissful!

and... effervescent! and again I am trying really hard not to go all exclamation-point-crazy on you, because I know it's so annoying. But... [!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

Beyond that intangible and inexplicable [!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!], today was nice.

My dad and I told stories at dinner. Mostly my dad did, and I listened.
Apparently by the time I was 2 I knew that "was" and "were" were forms of the "to be" verb, and that "power" goes with "mighty" :P

Aaaaand TOMORROW is going to be AWESOME aaaand WEDNESDAY is going to be MOST EPIC aaaannd THURSDAY ...I go back to work but THAT'S OKAY! :)


Sunday, July 25, 2010

I love life.

my life is crazy wonderful.

the people in my life are crazy wonderful. mostly crazy, but close enough.

I wore my happy skirt today.

I am trying really hard not to use exclamation points, but inside I am going [!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

and my face hurts because I have been smiling all day.



Saturday, July 24, 2010

oh... my... :D

I am just so, so, so incredibly smiley, and blessed, and happy, and... :)

also, today was great. Lizzy had a "Shop Swap" and a bunch of us got together and set up all of our clothes we didn't ever wear/really want like a store and went shopping for freeeeee in each others' clothes. it was cool. I got rid of a bunch of stuff (like Andee's hand-me-down Homecoming dress I never wore), and I got a bunch of stuff (like my first ever yellow dress... I never wear yellow. ever).


Friday, July 23, 2010

email :)

I did not really smile today (see: completed 200 more cell phone battery product descriptions!) until I received a certain email and Christine knows who she is :P


Thursday, July 22, 2010


yeah, so, today at work I got to... drumroll please... write product descriptions!
...for... cell phone batteries.

68 down, 293 to go!

But then I got to do some video work, which I love.

then I came home to RAVIOLI!!! favorite!!! but Kristen hates it so we never have it.


Act Your Shoe Size Day!

I started this last July... third Wednesday in July, yes :)

It's a good time. I wear a 7.5 or 8, so yesterday was going to be awesome.

I started out the day waking up at 8. It felt good. Any time 8-9 is the perfect time to wake up in the summer.
Then Mark came over with footage & stills for the Sunday School volunteer recruitment video. That was not something I would have bothered with when I was 8.
Then I decided to get serious. I took my book, my water bottle, and my two Oreo cookies in a bag up to my reading tree. It is the reading tree because it has good spots for sitting and reading and eating Oreos. It has been my favorite tree since I moved here almost 13 years ago.
After about 5 minutes, I realized that there were ants crawling all over me. Another 5 minutes in, I realized that there were lots of other, more vicious bugs crawling all over me. Not long after that, I realized why I always had so many bug bites when I was 8.
So I did what any self-respecting third-grader would do and ran into the house where there was air conditioning and no bugs.
THEN I did a bunch of 16-year-old-stuff like Facebook and email and video editing and book club.
Then I read. Like, a lot. That's about all I did when I was that age. Reading, reading, reading, all the time, even while eating. Speaking of eating, I went to the grocery store with my mom like I used to, and then got Rita's like I always have when I have a sore throat...
Speaking of which, I was sick yesterday, so I also did stuff I did when I was 8 and sick, like complaining.
Then I went to bed at 9, which I actually think is 30 minutes past what my bedtime used to be. My bedtime was 9 when I was 12, let alone 7.5.

the end.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

yay for plots!

Hey everybody! (Middlemarch spoiler warning)

Mr. Stupidface Casaubon finally dies! yayyy!!! *happy dance*

I do not know if I can finish this book by Saturday when it is due. eek.


Monday, July 19, 2010

Middle School


so, sick today, and bored. right? been there? yes. good.

Sooo, naturally, I decided to go through my computer files and delete unnecessary things. Like things I made/wrote/recorded in middle school., good times. or not so much. but boy, was I ever weird.


Sunday, July 18, 2010

CYMA Sunday


(and I am sick but we won't talk about that)

& I am so blessed to have such great friends to be there and talk with me and make me feel somewhat better :)


Saturday, July 17, 2010


today was the CYMA outreach! I love that thing! I was videographer. It was cool. They did a super job...

Kristen had really the only "solos" in the entire program.
She had the solo/main character for the "Falling Down" Intermediate Mime (which was soooo amazing... Joanna usually does that part, and Joanna is a professional mime with three years of mime college).
She also was "point" for the Irish Dance. The song was "I Will Arise and Go to Jesus/Musical Priest" by Michael Card (that's a mouthful, isn't it?). And she had a way cool solo dance thing.


Friday, July 16, 2010


yikes. the week is over.

I am working on the videos... final stretch! one down, one to go.
BTW, pardon my sacrilege, but forget Motivational Red Wall Paint. Motivational Hoarded Chocolate Bar works much, much better :P

I am sad to leave all of my small group girls, but... OH! two of them gave me poems :) I will transcribe them (spelling error for spelling error... including my name)

For: Katy (the best L.I.T in the world)

Roses are red
Violets are blue.
I've never met a L.I.T
As good as you.
Sunflowers are yellow
Daisys are white
I'm so lucky to have you,
im filled with delight.
Tulips are pink,
Sprouts are green.
Your smart, your pretty, and
lucky you your 16!

Katys favorite colors green no wait it purple I dont know, maybe it's gurple (a mix of green and purple).

(aww! I do like purple, and I've never considered gurple.)
K- Kind to everyone
A- Alot of friends (including me)
T- tasty fashion since [ed. note- "sense"]
Y- You R the coolest funniest Best LIT EVA
This girl read it out loud at closing. It was a total surprise. It made me blush :)

Kathryne (or Katie)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

CYMA exhaustion!

It's a happy exhaustion. Today, at least. Yesterday... well, ahem, anyways.

Today one of the girls in my group said that small group was her favorite thing about CYMA :)


Off to do video stuff!


Monday, July 12, 2010


Lovely day for the quad-souled goddess :)

- CYMA went swimmingly.

- ba-doop-ba-doop-SMASH!



- ...and CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE (dough)! and MINT! and FOOD DYE!

- ...and SURPRISES! for TOMORROW!!!!

Kathryne & Christine

PS- doofus.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


CYMA is tomorrow!!!!!

meeting today only psyched me up even more.

Also, it was Tag's 2nd birthday today, so he got to eat a snowball and some of Kristen's cappuccino milkshake... for the record, golden retrievers get REALLY hyper on caffeine.


Saturday, July 10, 2010

busy days make me HAPPY!

Small Group leaders' meeting went fabulously. Those are some of the most entertaining, lovable, hilarious right-brained adults I know. I think I am kindof both left & right... but, definitely leaning left. I love me some SCHEDULES! YES!
...Which leads me to the next meeting. We got a lot accomplished and had a lot of fun. And ate a lot of food.
And then there was David's birthday party... happy birthday, for the fourth time, by the way... and we played Risk, and I did not lose! Colin lost, and everybody else won because we got bored and quit. BTW, Colin, letting someone who borders you (coughMarkcough) play for you after you go home is not the best strategy.

I had a fabulous day. Now off to do my LIT homework!


good things!

God did cool things for me today.

Like, I needed to go to the library to return Colin's Ted Dekker book. But my parents couldn't take me. SO I randomly posted on Facebook, "Anyone going to the library today?" and... 20 minutes before it closed for the night, my friend called. And wanted to know if I still needed to go. And... we went! and made it there 5 minutes before closing!! And I got 2 Regina Spektor CDs along with my next summer reading assignment!!!

ANDDD then there was swing. And I actually danced a lot. And... for the record, "The Chicken Dance" is the single weirdest Virginia Reel song EVER.

Now Erin is sleeping over.
Tomorrow I have, in a row:
CYMA small group leaders' meeting,
LIT & CYMA Leaders' meeting,
David's birthday party, and
2 graduation parties for people I haven't spoken to in about 5 years.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

workworkworkwork... and things to do!

I had a fabulous time at work. I was talking to my dad on the way back about the ways God blessed me today... and I think it struck him that I was most thankful out of everything, not for the "Intern Appreciation Day" Starbucks or time I got to spend emailing and chatting at lunch, but for work to do. And it's true, I don't like to be idle.

Today I got to work with movies!
and political campaign websites!
and more movies!
And that made me so HAPPY!

I think I was actually useful today. They put me in my area of expertise. and I was happy.

Intern Appreciation Day is not a half-bad idea either.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

the good, the bad, and the ugly.

The Good: got to hang with Rachel & Megan today!! I love you guys :) ...and, I really finished the CYMA schedule sheet today. I am so weird. I love schedules.

The Bad: ugggg jet lag. bleaaahhh awkward situations with semi-friends. ppbbbbthhh to drama.

The Ugly: my hair. There was a dew point of 70. Ideal is 35. That means my hair was a frizzy poof-ball. I am breaking out the climate control products.


PS- The Confued: SANDY'S HAIR...?!?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


/not really!

yeah, I had my first day of being an intern. they were really busy today. I was really not, because nobody had time to train me in anything. SO, I didn't really do much...

...except make Oscar a blog! It will document his travels and other adventures :)


PS-- jetlag + chocolate + (unfinished Ted Dekker novel) = insomnia = 4.5 hours of sleep = EW

Monday, July 5, 2010

Desert Squirrels!

I got to stay home today and just chill... and I got a lot accomplished! Not only did I upload and tag my vacation pictures on Facebook, but I also worked very hard to ignore friends' comments saying my cousins are hot AND I finished my desert squirrel video montage!

the song is called "Flight of the Bumblebee" and it is recorded by the awesome string quartet I had the pleasure of listening to every day on the cruise :)


PS- don't be grossed out, but I have had 8 nosebleeds in the past 36 hours... should I be worried?

PPS- la! I got my report card in the mail today! perfect GPA last quarter :)

home, sweet home

I am finally back. I will remain in the general area until August. thank goodness.

quote of the "since-I-last-posted"...
"Katie, look! It's like creme brulee... with mustard!"

alsooo, Middlemarch is a fabulous book. It is similar in structure and length to Anna Karenina, similar in subject matter to Pride & Prejudice, and similar in authorship to Jane Eyre.
And I admit that it is more to my taste than such wonderful works as the one I put down in order to pick this one up, The Silmarillion. Sorry, David & Colin.


PS- y'all know I like planning devious things... muahaha... you may or may not see it coming ;)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

CYMA Small Groups :)

Okay, for those of you who do not know, I get to lead a small group of 10-11 year-old girls at my church's music & arts summer camp. And I am SUPER excited.

Today I got my list of girls...
I got Rachel :) she is my little buddy.
AND I got two girls who were in the daycare I used to work in. How on Earth did that happen? They don't even go to my church! So that was a (pleasant? maybe) surprise. Hey, I haven't really known them since they were little 7-8s, and I sure hope they've grown up :P

All my lesson plans are complete. I am so happy... I shall not ever be a teacher, but I did have so much fun planning my 30-minutes-a-day :) We're going to do all kinds of things; like charades and friendship bracelets and skits and posters! yay for 5th graders!


intense shopping

we went t-shirt shopping for forevvverrrrr!!!! I finally found one that was reasonably priced and I almost liked the design, so I bought it. Brought it back... was about to put it on... tore off all the "size small" stickers and such... and realized that all of the stickers were wrong and the thing was actually a size medium. yay. but it still made me laugh. we'll be going back tomorrow :P

we'll begin travelling tomorrow night. be back home around 1:30 am July 5.


Thursday, July 1, 2010


Went on a Pink Jeep Tour today :) 'twas fun.

I wore my "Pray As You Go" tshirt from the DC mission trip last July. I read all the things people signed on the back. Everyone was very sweet.

Daniel's comment in particular made me giggle...
"Someday I will have longer hair than you."

It tempted me to get my hair cut while I'm down here. But I shan't. I want to grow it to my waist first!
