Today's happy moment was, undoubtedly, and entirely... Everything.
Friend Andee & I went shopping... my other friend Rachel turned 16 and we went to her party... we went for a long walk down her back-country road... came back and ATE... then played volleyball and swing-dance-d in the pouring, thunder-and-lightening-ing rain =)))
It. Was. Amazing. There is something about dancing in the rain that just makes you feel incredibly ALIVE.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Drivers' Ed cracks me up sometimes, it's just so "DUH".
I can't believe they actually thought they had to tell me to "avoid ... brick walls" to lessen the effect of a collision. LOL.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Unofficial Holiday
Today is the day my friends and I dubbed "Act Your Shoe Size Day".
Basically, we do as close to what we did when we were the age of our shoe size (in my case, 7 1/2) all day. I can't say I've been exactly strict with it, as I am on the internet and I almost never did that in elementary school, but I did:
get up early
go outside
eat Mac & Cheese
(start) a friendship bracelet
watch cartoons =)
I'm going to look into making it a real holiday... maybe have Chuck-E-Cheese sponsor it.... "Where a kid (or anyone) can be a kid... Chuck-E-Cheese."
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
You Learn Something New Every Day...
...And today my friend taught me how to flirt =)
I'm still a hopeless case, but there are just toooo many rules, I mean come on. I'll never be good, but now I know what not to do, at least.
Monday, July 20, 2009
I never expected a teacher to tell me: "We're going to watch a video, but it's okay if you want your cell phones out, a book, or doodling... just stay quiet and we can get out of here on time."
Such are the times I don't mind drivers' ed so much.
Also, today Megan and I went shopping, and I don't think I could count the things that made me smile there =) gooood times.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Oops... again.
I WILL get it right this time.
I'll post for yesterday AND today.
Alright, so yesterday...
I went to a youth group party at my friends' house (which is awesome), and went swimming, swinging, talking, eating, etc. But the best part was showing up and seeing my counselors from my youth group's mission trip to Washington DC July 5-11! Sarah & Sofia were wonderful to us there, and to show up to a party and see that they'd driven all the way to see us on their day off was wonderful :)
And today...
I spent forever on it, and finally got my finances from the past year and a half or so all tightened up! I accounted for and reconciled all my interest, and the spending and saving I've done since then, and it's all done! I have a binder for it :) I love binders.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Wow, I forgot to post yesterday. whoops.
BUT I can say that the reason I forgot is that I was out having a wonderful, optimist-accommodating time until 11:30-ish.
I was swing dancing.
There are few things that are so happy as dancing.
and last night was pretty much excellent.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Pink is just a lovely color, isn't it?
Anyhow, today after drivers' ed I took my baby sister shopping. Of course, I can't really call her "baby" because she actually can wear clothes from the same stores I shop at.
Such are the times I'm glad I have a sister and not a brother. You can't do makeovers with a brother. You can't go into Charlotte Russe and DEB with a brother and try on every crazy thing you want. It just doesn't work.
And besides it just being fun overall, I got some fairly nice PINK sparkly socks for very cheap. I'm a very cheap person, I think =P
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I'm Special
I readily admit that I am strange... at least to people on the "outside" of my little world. Inside my world I am the epitome of normal.
That said, one of those few very simple things that makes me strangely excited is getting a new [insert hair product here].
That's right... today I went to the new Dollar Tree in my area and got a nice 18 fl oz bottle of White Rain Apple Blossom conditioner. The smell "makes my heart happy", and the fact it was only a dollar adds to the wonderful-ness. And besides that... no 'cones. Those are ingredients in most hair products that can only be removed by certain harsh detergents, which are also in most shampoos and are horrible for your hair. But that all is a rant for another day...
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I had no idea...
The obvious highlight of the day (other than keeping wide awake all day even after staying up 'til 3:30 last night... power to me, right?) was... learning how to buckle my seatbelt.
Okay, maybe not so much, but it did make me smile that they had to tell us that in drivers' ed. I mean... really.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Good Day
Hello all!
today was a rather good day.
Lots of things made me smile...
1) I slept in til 11, yay!
2) I had my first day of drivers' ed. Megan is taking it with me, and to add to that, I showed up and saw another friend from church =)
3) This one takes some background...
My family is going on a mission trip to Africa this fall. We will be working at a children's home there. Needless to say, being in Africa, it was not going to be cheap to go... at all.
As a team (my family + 6 others), we decided to NOT fundraise the traditional way. We did NOT want to go by "you donate money and get ___ in return". We wanted everything to be free-will, so that others could experience God's blessing with us.
Now, a bit over 3 months after our first meeting, we covered the last $76 needed today! Even getting to just needing $76 so soon would have been a sure sign of God's favor. Now, "our cup runneth over", and we hope to be able to pass that on to the children at the home!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Once Upon a Time... the Beginning of the Optimism Initiative
Once upon a time, I was in a bad spot. It was cold, dreary weather and it had been for a long while. It was the middle of Lent, too, and I had given up the internet. I was not exactly depressed... maybe foggy would be a better word.
Anyways, one Friday night someone made a comment to me that, for some reason, just made me smile. I wrote it down in my journal and decided on a whim to record something, no matter how stupid, that made me smile, every day for the next 30 days.
I did, and I have to say my "experiment" was a success. I was much less "foggy" by the end. This wasn't just good for the people around me (since I stopped being so "glass-half-empty" and negative), but it's just more fun to be an optimist. I didn't continue it in my journal, because I wanted to use my journal for important stuff like whining and moping.
So here I am, a good 3 months later, starting up again... this time to share with y'all that are interested in the smiles of a high school girl with a misspelled name.
Today, my happy-moment was starting this blog. I promised myself WEEKS ago that I would, and meeting goals, even mundane ones, just makes me happy =)
Also, I ate two White Fudge Chunky Chips Ahoy cookies. Nothin like chocolate to uplift spirits, no?
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