Monday, June 20, 2011


SO EXCITED about a BAJILLION things.

Today at work I was falling asleep on my feet, literally, and it is a good thing there were only 28 kids and there was some structured activity, like an hour-long "science" assembly. Otherwise it could have been bad. I mean, I did spend a good 30 minutes in the nurse's office with a girl who had the worst nosebleed I've ever seen in my life, which was probably the time hardest to stay awake.

And I am making serious progress on my costume for Friday... :)
AND I located a wood-burning tool... and not one, but two! and possibly three! OH the CHOICES!
ANDANDAND I got *a few* Barnes & Noble gift cards for graduation, which means I can finally buy my very-own copy of Till We Have Faces, which I am just dying to read again.
Aaaaaannnddd I take my driving test on Wednesday.
ANNNDDD I have a new layout! It makes me happy.
And we have SO MUCH party food leftovers... I had pasta salad, The Awesome Salad, chicken salad, and fruit salad tonight. and a peach. yum.

I am just overall happy.
And I have like 5 new devotional books, including Streams in the Desert, and I want to just do them ALL at once! I think I need to start waking up earlier.


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