Monday, June 6, 2011

poetry and prose

Choir practice! yay! it went really fabulously and we ended about an hour early. I will give you a sneak peak of this Friday's masterpiece-in-progress... shh! don't tell!
I also did not die from riding my bike there and back. almost, but not quite. It is a superbly bad idea to ride your bike 2.5 miles on very hilly terrain directly before singing. Takes all capacity for breath control down like 37%.

Then, after practicing parallel parking (GRRRR) and yelling at my computer for freezing up at the mime DVD (doubleGRRRRR!!!) and trying to read outside but being eaten alive by mosquitos (must I go there?), I decided to vent my frustration by writing a Veloquence post about grammar. Specifically, the evils of contractions.


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