Today was sort of a seesaw...
Bad: carwash at 7:30am
Good: made $360ish
Bad: everybody was in a really bad mood
Good: got to sow seeds of optimism!
Bad: got back to school in time for math class
Good: won the battle of "how to properly label papers"
Bad: I just dislike Physics class. sorry Colin.
Good: I get to choose my partner for the Rube Goldberg project
Bad: took practice AP test in Lit
Good: finished early and got to sleep
Bad: icckkkyyyy video about debate in Govt class
Good: icky videos are fun to criticize
Bad: too sick-feeling to drive home
Good: Mom didn't make me
Bad: ripped popcorn bag and about half the kernels... only kernels... fell out
Good: Tag didn't eat them
Bad: stepped in puddle of popcorn-induced Tag drool
Good: ... um ...
Bad: Comcast won't take my password
Good: I switched to gmail this past week! how foresightful of me!
Bad: knocked over bowl of raspberries
Good: Tag helped clean them up
Bad: stepped in said raspberries in only pair of socks
Good: perfect excuse for Mom to buy me more
Bad: totally ruined first pair of gloves I made (read: unsalvageable. not that I didn't try)
Good: all the more for me to practice! ...right?
Bad: wireless internet is awful (Comcast)
Good: HISTORY CHANNEL still works! :P