Then we went to THE MOST AWESOME WORSHIP/CONCERT EVER. Robin Mark, btw. I'd had the thing on my calendar since January, and it CAME!!!
So, I met the guy afterwards. He is less intimidating in person than on stage. But he is also very kind. I forgot my CD at home and had nothing signable in my purse. At a stroke of genius, I asked Colin if he still had the Motivational Red Wall Paint.
Can you guess what I did?
I'll take that as a "maybe."
I asked Robin to sign it. He wrote a message on the rim of the lid, and signed his name on the top, side, and bottom. Oh, he's so very cool. Kristina asked him, "have you ever been asked to sign wall paint before?" He said, "no, this is a first." LOL
Guess which one I am! hint: Anticonformity will eat your soulllllllll!!!!!

YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!!
Colin: can you email me a pic?
LOLYES. I told Colin to take it to Awakenings to get people to sign it there. And really any other concerts we go to, we ought to have somebody sign it. But Robin took up a lot of the good space :P
UGH, I know, I so should have taken a picture while we were there!!
umm... about that... no and um... hehheh... readeth thou thine email?
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