Tuesday, September 21, 2010


The Good: I might just be able to get all of my homework finished tonight! Like, in such a way as to not-have math or science... at ALL... tomorrow, which would make me extraordinarily glad!

The Bad: Seven worst words this year: "You'll have until Thursday to do it." Why is this bad? We hear it in every single Tuesday class, and thus Tuesday teachers feel they can assign extra. (OH WELL, they didn't do it so very badly today, which makes me... EEEE!)

The Random: I was reallyreally tired, fell asleep in Apologetics class today, and have been falling asleep ever since, except after I had that milkshake with Hershey's syrup and coffee grounds... if you can't tell, I'm pretty awake right now ;)
(and, wow, I just put three different tenses in that sentence: imperfect, perfect, present... Mrs. B would murder me)


PS- my birthday is tomorrow :) but, more importantly, International Curly Hair Day is tomorrow!

EDIT: this just made my day (on my Awesome Possum dashboard) -
for the record, the Romans did not seem to be aware there were such things as possums. However, "possum" in Latin means "I am able," which is totally motivational and cool.

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