Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sunday Evening Service :)

I had a pretty good day today. Remembered just how difficult Christmas carols really are... and how fun, when you have them down. Especially in four-part harmony :D

There were two exceptions. Christmas Offering (Casting Crowns) and Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence. Those were not so difficult in the hold-the-pitch-and-hit-the-notes sense, but they certainly had their challenges (I dunno... playing piano, and singing, simultaneously, by myself, in front of people that I know, for the first time in my life, maybe?)

I Learned...
Madeline L'Engle has some seriously odd ideas about theology.
AND that I need to stop singing so much. Recently when I go to type words like "some," out comes "song." And words like "mermaid" come out like "melody." It's bad.


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