Friday, December 31, 2010

i can has depth perception?

driving at night = >.<
when the lights are staggered just right and your eyes are blurred just enough that you cannot tell if the green light or the red light is the one directly in front of you = >.<

BUT HEY it's New Year's Eve. I did have fun today. Vandalism is good exercise :P

New Year's Resolutions:
  1. Find something better to do on New Year's Eve.
  2. Develop a sense of direction greater than what I have.
  3. Develop depth perception greater than what I have. Don't die.
  4. Learn how to be passionate.
  5. Travel the world. (or, just make good use of my time in EUROPE ...!)
  6. Make lists exclusively of either 3 or a factor of 50 (but not 1 or 2).
  7. Read every single book C. S. Lewis ever wrote.
  8. Learn how to play an instrument like guitar, banjo, ukulele, or the like.
  9. Use every page in the Christine-book. EVERY. ONE.
  10. Do most everything more, better, faster, truer. Except Facebook, which I ought to do less.
Of, like, everything.
This list.
This post.
This day.
This year.
This chance for me to prove my normalcy.

Just kidding, y'all wouldn't believe I was normal even if I bought Hollister jeans and straightened my hair and got straight Bs.


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