Saturday, February 12, 2011

looking forward and looking back

I finished my math homework. SUCCESS! (not really. I finally surrendered on #43 after the THIRD ATTEMPT. yes, I did it three times from scratch and got a seriously messed up answer every time. stupid fractional exponents.)

I also worked on product descriptions.

and I found out that SARA GROVES is going to be in concert TOMORROW MORNING for FREE but then I can't go because I have Bible Force and church :(

but super excited to go to another concert at the Meyerhoff tomorrow :) it ought to be fun. I think I will wear my sparkly tights.

my parents and I also looked through some of my baby pictures to see what I should send in for my senior page in the yearbook...

I love this one :)
Dad's caption: "I know 260 words!"
Katie's thoughts: Um, I think that was the last time I touched a ball... that one does not go yearbook. 
Dad's caption: "I know 34,000 words! and fingerpaint!"

Dad's caption: "I know 80,000 words! and I will go to Kindergarten and teach all of my peers!"
Katie's thoughts: This is the last picture I have of me before my awkward stage. AKA ages 6-13. That's a problem.
"YARRRRRRR. I can fit a spoon in my mouth. sort of."


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