Tuesday, February 8, 2011


7:15am- asleep. energy down. cannot get out of bed.
7:30am- realize must wash hair. energy skyrocket (aka adrenaline).
9:00am- in math. energy down. no desire to do anything.
11:30am- halfway through Lit. energy down further. hungry and tired.
12:05pm- lunch. energy up. eat. talk. breathe.
12:30pm- government test. energy flies out my ears and abandons me. stupid energy.
1:25pm- apologetics. finish The Seventh Seal. actual good movie. much symbolism. energy rises accordingly.
2:45pm- latin. I seriously have to traslate poetry by Catullus? energy scatters. fidgety.
2:55pm- persuaded Mr C to let me write my own Latin poem. energy focuses. fun stuff.

Nunc litteras incipio
Et quidnam non dicere scio
De atropureum, caelum,
Aut arcus dicere possum
Sed non scribere cupio.
3:30pm- home. energy nosedives.
4:30pm- energy still in the ground.
5:00pm- eat dinner. energy up. do thesis homework.
6:30pm- have been doing thesis for 90 minutes. energy down.
6:40pm- asleep.
7:15pm- SMALLGROUPAAAHHH. energy skyrocket (see: 7:30am)
9:30pm- small group over. should do school. nervous, brainless, fidgety energy. clean kitchen. sigh.


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