Friday, July 16, 2010


yikes. the week is over.

I am working on the videos... final stretch! one down, one to go.
BTW, pardon my sacrilege, but forget Motivational Red Wall Paint. Motivational Hoarded Chocolate Bar works much, much better :P

I am sad to leave all of my small group girls, but... OH! two of them gave me poems :) I will transcribe them (spelling error for spelling error... including my name)

For: Katy (the best L.I.T in the world)

Roses are red
Violets are blue.
I've never met a L.I.T
As good as you.
Sunflowers are yellow
Daisys are white
I'm so lucky to have you,
im filled with delight.
Tulips are pink,
Sprouts are green.
Your smart, your pretty, and
lucky you your 16!

Katys favorite colors green no wait it purple I dont know, maybe it's gurple (a mix of green and purple).

(aww! I do like purple, and I've never considered gurple.)
K- Kind to everyone
A- Alot of friends (including me)
T- tasty fashion since [ed. note- "sense"]
Y- You R the coolest funniest Best LIT EVA
This girl read it out loud at closing. It was a total surprise. It made me blush :)

Kathryne (or Katie)

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