Thursday, November 5, 2009

Run, Kathryne, run!!

Today's story is a story of little short of miraculous. Today, mmmm, 7:30 AM, I am woken by my mom to get ready for school. It's already 30 minutes later than I had wanted, but I'm not paying attention to that. I'm not capable of that; I'm still 85% asleep. Half an hour later, 8 o'clock, I re-awaken with a kind of jolt. AUGH! I was supposed to be up an hour ago! I have to leave the house in 25 minutes! I rush to take my shower and get ready.

Somewhere in the madness, I made up for the hour I was running behind and was able to get to school only 10 minutes late... still before homeroom began. Right in time for standardized testing... woohoo. Of course... standardized testing means shorter classes, meaning 40 minutes of Chemistry as opposed to 80 =)


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