Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Coming Soon ...

So, today I finished the layout for... (dundundunduunnnn)... a NEW BLOG =)

Don't worry, not leaving you all, but I'm superly-incredibly thinking ahead this year to my New Year's resolutions. This won't be all too hard for me, but I've decided to take my devotional reflections from each night and make them into a blog, starting January 1 (1.1.10! how perfect!).

The basic principle of the thing is, each week, to take an attribute or title of God, and every day that week take a new verse relating to that and just... journal it. You do that with 52 attributes/names, 5 reflection verses and 2 application verses a week, and you've got a year's worth of stuff! I started this last July sometime, and it's AWESOME. And all the topics are in alphabetical order, of course =)


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