Monday, December 14, 2009

I <3 Sarcasm

Today in my history class we had a Classical Civilizations Feast. My (homeschooled) sister decided she wanted to come, so she did.

While we were eating, my Headmaster comes in and says he'll need to see me for after-school detention tomorrow. Knowing he's kidding, I nod gravely.
Kristen asks me later: "Do you REALLY have detention??? Are you sure?!?"

Later, we were going over multiple choice quiz/worksheet things, and the Headmaster was back. He picks up my book to look for an answer we were stuck on (Daoist leaders-- the Yellow Turbans). He proceeds to go through the entire sentence, replacing "Yellow Turban" with "Pink Overcoat."
Kristen was filling my sheet in for me, since my hands were sticky from baklava, and she actually began to write the "P" in "Pink Overcoats."

It was highly amusing.

Christmas song of the day:
Sweet Little Jesus Boy, by Rebecca St. James


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