...and well-spent, if you ask me!
I went to the school to finish up the bulletin board this morning, and then *kidnapped* Megan and her sister (who were also there) and took them home with me =)
After much fun on Photoshop Elements (yes we are dorks and we love it), changing my "new mail" sound in MacMail (love that too), and plotting to write a song and record it, even if it's about hedgehogs and ostriches, we went shopping.
Found a great pair of boots while out... if they had been on sale I would have snatched them up for sure. It would also help if I didn't have toothpicks for ankles, hehe. As it was, I couldn't afford them on my spend-only-fifty-percent budget, so I bought a shirt that was 5 sizes too big for 50 cents =)
